Hello! I’m Clare, The Potentiality & Midlife Mindset Coach. Like you, I reached a point in my life where I asked, “Is this it?”

After decades of prioritising others in both my personal and professional life, amidst a toxic relationship, I realised the life I was living wasn’t the one I dreamed of.

It was then I decided—I deserved more. And so do you.

I know firsthand the struggle of overcoming years of self-doubt, exhaustion, and the feeling of being stuck.

But I also know the power of making a change. Now, I dedicate myself to helping midlife professional and entrepreneurial women, just like you, overcome the barriers and fears holding you back.

Together, we will rediscover your purpose, unlock your potential, and empower you to start living life on your terms.


Today I successfully run two businesses, am an award winning social entrepreneur, enjoy a happy and fulfilling marriage and live life to the absolute max!

If you’re ready to make your own change and start living life on your terms, I’m here to help!

It’s Never Too Late to Discover Your Midlife Potential and to start writing that next chapter?

Let’s Get Going!!

Work with Me

Unlock Your Midlife Potential with Clare, The Potentiality & Midlife Mindset Coach

Empowering professional and entrepreneurial women in midlife to overcome barriers, rediscover purpose, and boldly write the next chapter of their lives. Ready to live life on your terms? Book a Discovery Call Today.

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Hi, I’m Clare, The Potentiality Coach, and I love working with women who are ready to step into their own power, achieve their goals, realise their dreams and reach their personal and professional potential.
Too often I meet women who have put their dreams and goals on hold while raising a family and/or building a career, and now, finding themselves on the other side of 40, feel it is too late to achieve their goals and dreams. I’m here to reassure you that ‘It’s Never Too Late”!!

Ready to Discover The Potential You?

Let’s Get Going!!

About me

  • Have You?

    • Put yourself last for far too long

    • Put your own dreams and ambitions on the back burner

    • Spent years/decades prioritising others?

    • Lost your own identity?

  • Are You?

    • Struggling to know what’s next

    • Suddenly facing the prospect of an emptying nest?

    • Feeling guilty at the idea of putting yourself first?

    • Feeling like you’ve missed the boat or left it too late?

    • Wondering who you are now

    • Looking to reclaim your dreams, goals and ambitions?

    • Feeling like there must be more to life?

    • Convinced you’re meant for something bigger?

    • Wanting to avoid deathbed regrets?

  • Do You?

    • Want to discover your purpose

    • Reignite your dreams?

    • Start living a life you love?

    • Achieve your personal and professional potential?


Want to work with me directly to unlock your potential?

My 1:1 Coaching Packages help you access intense and bespoke support from me, to identify your purpose, release limiting beliefs and develop specific and actionable steps to help you reach your dreams and goals and realise your potential.

Work with Me


I’ve developed a range of online courses to help you get really clear on your purpose and explore your potential in different areas of your personal and professional life, all at a pace that suits you.

When you purchase a course, you gain life time access to the recordings, content and resources so you can revisit any time you wish.

Find out more


My Group Programmes are perfect for you if you want access to online courses alongside coaching support from me and the support of an online community of likeminded and ambitious women!

Enrolment to my signature programmes only opens twice per year, so register your interest by signing up to the my Monthly Newsletter.

Find out more






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Accreditations, Qualifications and Awards