It’s Never Too Late to…Try Something New

Research has found that trying something new is directly linked to us experiencing more joy!

And that is why this month we’re celebrating Joyful July and I’m encouraging you to try something new!!

However, stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something new can be challenging or even scary, but it doesn’t have to be.

I’m not suggesting you make major changes to your life by trying something new, instead I’m encouraging you to take small steps and try new things in small measures, until you feel ready to try some of the bigger stuff.

For example, rather than ordering the same coffee you always order from your local coffee shop, pick something different. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, why not ask to the barista to pick a drink for you!?!

But Why Should You Try Something New?

Well, apart from the fact trying new things increases the levels of joy you can experience in life, it also brings the following benefits:

  • Trying a new skills or activities. Challenges our brains and wakes up stagnant muscles and neurotransmitters. This leaves us feeling energised and with a renewed sense of focus as we activate underused parts of our brains and bodies.

  • We discover new perspectives. By trying new things we can literally change our perspective, view point and may even change our minds on previously held beliefs! For example, we may believe we don’t like a particular food, but try it and discover we actually really enjoy it. This can open up a world of possibilities.

  • Takes us outside our Comfort Zone and into our Stretch Zone. Ultimately, trying new things, helps us to develop a growth mindset as well as opening ourselves up to new opportunities

  • A change is as good as a rest. Trying something new helps us break out of the daily grind and helps relight and reenergise us.

  • Increase our curiosity. If we develop the habit of trying new things, we start to look out for new opportunities, open ourselves up to new experiences and increase our curiosity.

What plans do you have for a Joyful July?

Stuck for ideas?

Download my Joyful July Calendar, packed with lots of things to do and new things to try

I’m also once again running my #trysomethingneweverydayinjuly challenge and I invite you to join my Facebook Group below so you can share your daily experiences

Share all your adventures at: The Potentiality Academy


It’s Never Too Late to…Practice Gratitude


It’s Never Too Late to… Love Yourself