Hi, I’m Clare, The Potentiality Coach, and I love working with women who are ready to step into their own power, achieve their goals, realise their dreams and reach their personal and professional potential.

Too often I meet women who have put their dreams and goals on hold while raising a family and/or building a career, and now, finding themselves on the other side of 40, feel it is too late to achieve their goals and dreams. I’m here to reassure you that ‘It’s Never Too Late”!!


My Why

Like many people I spent many years find my why and purpose and I’m pleased to say I now live my life doing the work I love and feeling fulfilled every day.

My Why? To support women to achieve their personal and professional potential and lives of purpose and joy, while speeding the message ‘It’s Never Too Late” to achieve your dreams and goals!

Society places arbitrary restrictions and timescales on the achievement of potential and is often too willing to give up, throw in the towel and declare it too late for positive change to happen and potential to be realised.

I’m here to tell you that simply isn’t true! We don’t need to be defined by our age, current levels of success or previous ‘mistakes’. Our today, does not need to define our tomorrow!

Every minute, hour and day is an opportunity for positive change and growth.

Your potential is in reach. Let me help you reach it.

Meet Clare

The phrase I’ve probably heard most often in my life is ‘I don’t know how you do it’, usually from other women who can’t begin to comprehend how I juggle the family, home, work, plus my many passions and projects (check out My Passions). But being curious and having a strong desire to explore my passions and potential has always been natural to me. One of my worst fears is lying on my death bed and regretting a life that I haven’t lived to its full potential.

Ironically, I grew up as an incredibly shy, scared and fearful child, who would lie in bed at night imaging my future, and dreaming of all the things I wanted to be, do and have, but then be overcome by anxiety because I was so fearful at what I would have to do to make my dreams a reality.

However, at the age of 21 I read a book that changed my life – Susan Jeffer’s Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway (check out my Feel the Fear Training) and from that point, if something has interested me, if I have set a goal or am curious to explore something, no matter how scared I might be, I feel the fear and do it anyway. This has led me to have some amazing adventures in life, from piloting a glider plane, to walking on hot coals, to living in a jungle for 3 months, and I’ve no plans to stop being curious, stop doing the brave thing or doing the hard work required to continue reaching my potential. In fact, I’ve only just got started!

But the path to living the life I have now hasn’t always been smooth. I’ve faced years of adversity. From growing up on a council estate to working class parents (where money was always tight and items such as new clothes, holidays and cars were not part of my reality), to drowning in excess of £30k debt and being in a toxic and abusive relationship for 20 years, while raising 3 young children. Life has presented many challenges and thrown me plenty of curve balls, but I have always remained true to myself and trusted that I’m resilient enough to triumph over any adversity. That utter faith that the light will always come at the end of the darkest tunnel has served me very well!

I have now made it my life’s mission to help women just like you overcome their barriers and limiting beliefs and start living a life they love!!

If you’re ready to take the next step in achieving your potential, I’m here and ready to help!