Why Midlife Coaching?

Midlife is not just an age—it's a pivotal opportunity for transformation. Whether you're facing professional stagnation, personal dissatisfaction, or simply the feeling of being lost, you're not alone. Midlife coaching is your bridge to:

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs about your self-worth and abilities.

  • Rediscovering what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

  • Designing a life that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.

How I Help

Through a compassionate and personalised approach, I offer coaching services tailored to the unique challenges of midlife women. By combining practical strategies with deep emotional support, we'll tackle:

  • Barrier Breakthroughs: Overcome the fears and beliefs that keep you from moving forward.

  • Purpose Rediscovery: Unveil your passions and what makes you feel most alive.

  • Potential Unlocked: Step into your power with confidence and clarity.

  • Dreams Awakened: Bring those Lingering Dreams to Life

Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to redefine what’s possible in your midlife? It's never too late to turn the page and begin a new chapter filled with purpose, joy, and empowerment.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Book your Discovery Call now, or check out my current packages below:


  • 90 Minute Breakthrough

    This one off coaching session is perfect for those who want to focus on one key issue and achieve a quick and actionable breakthrough!

    Whether you’re trying to decide between two courses of action or have identified a limiting belief that is preventing you achieving a goal, I can help you explore the issue, identify actionable options and move you from stuck to success!

    This 90 minute session also includes 5 days of follow up support via WhatsApp, Voxer and/or email to support you in implementing your actions.

    Ready to Invest in Yourself?


  • Potential You!

    Potential You! is a VIP Programme for discovering your purpose and realising your potential!

    I’ll coach you to:

    • Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    • Discover your purpose

    • Reignite your dreams

    • Start living a life you love

    • Achieve Your Personal/Professional Potential

    Are you ready to rediscover your goals and dreams and start living your true potential?

    What’s Included:

    • 12 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

    • Ongoing Support via WhatsApp/Email

    • Bespoke Assignments and Resources

    Ready to Invest in Your Future?


  • Never Too Late!

    Never Too Late! is a 6 Week Programme to help you move from stuck to achieving the things you’ve always dreamed of achieving. Whether that is making a plan for a dream holiday, starting that dream project, or taking courageous steps towards your new career, I’ll help you take positive action!

    This 6 week 1:1 programme is perfect for you if:

    • You feel you’ve missed the boat on achieving your dreams and goals

    • You have other limiting beliefs standing in your way

    • You lack confidence to follow your dreams

    • You need support to take positive action towards your dreams

    What’s Included?

    • 6 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

    • Ongoing Support via WhatsApp/Email

    • Bespoke Assignments and Resources

    Ready to Invest in Your Dreams?


  • Leadership Potential

    This 6 Week Leadership Programme will support you to overcome any challenges you’re facing in leading teams or professional dilemmas, help you understand your leadership style, any areas of development and ultimately becoming a more resilient leader.

    This 6 week 1:1 programme is perfect for you if:

    • Your feeling overwhelmed in your leadership position

    • Struggling to lead a team

    • Experiencing professional overwhelm or imposter syndrome

    • Facing a complex organisational dilemma

    What’s Included?

    • 6 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

    • Ongoing Support via WhatsApp/Email

    • Bespoke Assignments and Resources

    • Access to the Resilient Leaders Development Programme platform

    Ready to Invest in Your Leadership Potential?


  • Potential Confidence!

    Potential Confidence is a bespoke programme to support you in developing a growth mindset, reframing limiting beliefs and overcoming imposter syndrome to ultimately boost your confidence!

    I’ll coach you to:

    • Boost your mindset

    • Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    • Call out your imposter syndrome

    • Grow in confidence

    Are you ready to step outside your comfort zone and start living your true potential?

    What’s Included:

    • 4 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

    • Saboteur Assessment

    • Ongoing Support via WhatsApp/Email

    • Bespoke Assignments and Resources

    Ready to Invest in You?


  • Discovery Call - Unlock Your Potential

    Do you know that you have potential deep inside you that is just waiting to be unlocked?

    Curious about the impact coaching could make on your life, but unsure if it’s right for you?

    Want to determine if I’m the right coach for you before committing to a coaching package?

    Then my Discovery Call is a great place to start.

    Book your 45 Discovery Call to ensure we’re aligned and discover the positive impact of coaching.

    Ready to Unlock Your Potential?




My Group Programmes are perfect for you if you want access to online courses alongside coaching support from me and the support of an online community of likeminded and ambitious women!

Enrolment to my signature programmes only opens twice per year, so register your interest by contacting me below.

Are you ready to achieve your potential?