It’s Never Too Late to…Network

Networking used to be a huge part of my life and previous roles have specifically relied upon it. However, as my roles have changed, we experienced a global pandemic and life became increasingly busy, networking was one of the things I stopped doing.

I love networking! I love meeting new people, learning their story and what they do, and making connections. One of my big passions is connecting people.

I realised I had stopped doing one of the things I loved. I’d stopped doing an activity that not only filled me with joy, but provided increased energy and supported me in achieving some of my wider business and personal goals.

How often in life do we give up something we enjoy simply because we’re busy or because we feel a sense of obligation elsewhere in our life?

Why do we stop putting ourselves first?

So in February, I started putting myself first and saying ‘Yes’ to networking!

If someone invited me to a networking event, I said yes and rearranged my diary accordingly, and I’m so glad I did!

I met new and interesting people, have made some great connections and reconnected with people I haven’t seen for years! I’ve also been presented with new opportunities and am now part of some amazing groups!

All because I said yes to something I loved.

Despite the historical image of networking of lots of men in grey suits sitting around a board table or out on the golf course, the face of networking is changing. It’s more relaxed, open to all and often takes place in fun and interesting places.

Networking is no longer about the sale. It’s about the connections. It’s about meeting people and building professional relationships. It has a huge number of benefits including:

  • Strengthening business connections.

  • Gaining fresh ideas.

  • Advancing your career.

  • Accessing new information.

  • Getting career advice and support.

  • Building confidence.

  • Gaining different perspectives.

  • Developing long-lasting relationships.

Networking can also be beneficial in a personal capacity and there are lots of social/non business focused events and groups out there you can get involved in to build confidence, open your eyes to fresh ideas, build natural support networks and reduce feelings of isolation.

So if you’ve stopped networking, or have never joined a professional or personal group before, I’d encourage you to add another activity to your list for a Marvellous March and get out there and network!

Get in touch and let me know how you get on!


It’s Never Too Late to… Love Yourself


It’s Never too Late to…Get a Coach